Ballan Primary School students participate in Mathematics on a daily basis. We offer a comprehensive program, which focuses on Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving strategies and skills and reasoning to assist in providing strong and proficient mathematicians for the future.
These areas of focus are taught throughout all dimensions of numeracy which include; Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.
Lesson content is driven by gathering student data through; formal testing, observations and the use of pre and post assessments, to ensure all points of need for our students are met.

Ballan Primary aims to ensure that our Mathematicians are:
- Confident and engaged learners by delivering our curriculum through a wide range of structured, investigative, hands on, open-ended tasks and real-life experiences.
- Develop ongoing mathematical and numeracy skills for everyday life to support students becoming active and competent citizens.
- see connections and apply mathematical concepts, skills and processes to pose and solve problems in mathematics and in other disciplines and contexts